SSJS Efficiency: Overcoming the 30-Minute Limit

Server Side JavaScript (SSJS) activities can take a long time to execute. However, the maximum runtime of an Automation Studio activity is 30 minutes. There’s no way to extend this limit and scripts that run longer than 30 minutes will be stopped, potentially ruining your progress.

During my time as a Marketing Cloud Developer, I’ve seen many scripts that do not care about this limit. They either process to little data or run as long as they need to, and if they are stopped, they just fail. The first is inefficient while other is not a good practice, as it can lead to data corruption or inconsistent data.

So, how can we deal with this?

The options

There are several ways to manage this limit, all of which require you to split the job into smaller tasks. You are probably already doing this by loading data via VSProxy in batches of 2500 records and processing them in a loop.

However, when it comes to processing records in a single script activity, you could take different approaches:

These are the approaches I see the most. However, I would like to introduce another approach that I’ve used in the past with a great success:


Consider this hypothetical use case: Your company wants you to import and check a daily list of email addresses through SFTP. You want to check if the email addresses are valid and if they are already in your database, so you don’t import them again. We could also create the Subscribers, but that’s a task for another day. Plus, you are expecting a huge list of email addresses, but have no idea how many. And since this is an article on SSJS, let’s try this with, surprise-surprise, SSJS.


We will need two automations to handle this. The first automation will run the daily import of emails from SFTP and store them in a Data Extension (EmailsToValidate). Let’s not focus on this part, as this is as simple as an Import and an SQL.

Our Data Extension will have the following structure:

Name & CustomerKey: EmailsToValidate

Our main automation will run hourly and will process the data in this Data Extension. It will check if the email address validity. Checked emails will always be marked as isChecked = true. Valid email addresses will have isValid = true and validationStatus = 'TO_BE_ADDED'. Existing emails will be HAS_SUBSCRIBER. Invalid emails will receive INVALID_EMAIL.

Splitting the job

The first thing we need to do is to split the job into smaller jobs. Let’s determine what we need to do for each email address:

  1. load the data from the Data Extension. We do not want to load processed data, so let’s load those that are not checked yet.
  2. check if the email address is valid. Keep it simple for this demo by using IsEmailAddress() function.
  3. check if the email address is already in Subscribers. In this case, let’s use Subscriber.Retrieve() function.
  4. save the results back to the Data Extension.

Great! So we have 4 basic steps. Steps 1 & 4 can be run for multiple records at once. Steps 2 & 3 are single record operations so we call these in a loop.

Timing you runs

Let’s create a simple timer object. This object will keep track of the time and let us know when we are about to run out of time. We of course need to be able to set the time limit. Let’s set it to 27 minutes. This way we have finalize things like logging and and cleanups.

var MAX_RUNTIME = 27 * 60000;

function Timer() {
	this.startTime = new Date().getTime();

	this.isOverRuntime = function() {
		var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
		var elapsedTime = currentTime - this.startTime;
		return elapsedTime > MAX_RUNTIME;

Now we can use this, to check if we are about to run out of time periodically:

try {
	var timer = new Timer();

	while (!timer.isOverRuntime()) {

} catch (err) {

Getting more data

I have written a simple Data Getter utility (you can find it in the final script). This utility remembers the progress in getting the data and can get more data when needed. Also, you can set the size of the batch.

As part of the loop, we will keep removing the processed data from the data variable. When there is no more data in the batch, we will get more data. If we are out of data, we will stop the script. Also, let’s not forget adding the data checks to the while loop condition:

var getter = new DataGetter();
var data = getter.getDataBatch();

while (!timer.isOverRuntime() && (getter.moreData || data.length > 0)) {
	if (data.length < 1) {
		data = getter.getData(config);
	var record = data.shift(); // cut the first record from the array

The Script

Finally, we can add the rest of the script. You can find the function handleRecord() that validates the email and saves the result. There’s a way to improve it. Have you found it? By the way, our script activity can easily run twice in the allocated hour since we do not use the full 30 minutes (but only 27-28 minutes).

<script runat=server language="JavaScript">
	Platform.Load("core", "1.1.1");

	var IS_PROD = false; // switch for your dev/prod
	var DE_NAME = "EmailsToValidate";
	var BATCH_SIZE = IS_PROD ? 300 : 2;
	var MAX_RUNTIME = IS_PROD ? 27 * 60000 : 1000;

	/* UTILS: */
	function debug(msg) {
		// Debug to cloud page is not always the best:
		if (typeof(msg) === 'object') {
			Write('\n' + Platform.Function.Stringify(msg));
		} else {
			Write('\n' + msg);

	function Timer() {
		this.startTime = new Date().getTime();

		this.isOverRuntime = function() {
			var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
			var elapsedTime = currentTime - this.startTime;
			return elapsedTime > MAX_RUNTIME;

		this.printTime = function() {
			var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
			var elapsedTime = currentTime - this.startTime;
			debug('Time: ' + elapsedTime/1000 + ' s (of ' + MAX_RUNTIME/1000 + ' s).');

	function DataGetter() {
		// could be even more generic:
		var api = new Script.Util.WSProxy();

		this.config = {
			name: DE_NAME,
			cols: [ "EmailAddress", "isChecked" ],
			filter: {
				Property: "isChecked",
				SimpleOperator: "equals",
				Value: false
			opts: { BatchSize: BATCH_SIZE },
			props: {}
		this.moreData = true;
		this.reqID = null;

		this.getData = function() {
			var result = [];

			if (this.moreData) {
				if (this.reqID) this.config.props.ContinueRequest = this.reqID;

				var req = api.retrieve("DataExtensionObject[" + + "]", this.config.cols, this.config.filter, this.config.opts, this.config.props);

				if (req) {
					this.moreData = req.HasMoreRows;
					this.reqID = req.RequestID;

					var results = req.Results;

					for (var k in results) {
						var props = results[k].Properties;
						var o = {};
						for (var i in props) {
							var key = props[i].Name;
							var val = props[i].Value
							if (key.indexOf("_") != 0) o[key] = val;
			return result;

	function updateRecord(email, isValid, status) {
		var result = Platform.Function.UpdateData(
			// filter
			[ "EmailAddress"],
			[ email ],
			[ "isChecked", "isValid", "validationStatus" ],
			[ true, isValid, status ]

	function hasSubscriber(emailAddress) {
		var results = Subscriber.Retrieve({ Property: "EmailAddress", SimpleOperator: "equals", Value: emailAddress });
		return typeof(results) === 'object' && results.length > 0;

	function handleRecord(record) {
		var ok = false;
		var status = 'unknown';
		if (record && record.EmailAddress && IsEmailAddress(record.EmailAddress)) {
			if (!hasSubscriber(record.EmailAddress)) {
				ok = true;
				status = 'TO_BE_ADDED';
			} else {
				ok = true;
				status = 'HAS_SUBSCRIBER';
		} else {
			status = 'INVALID_EMAIL';
		// one-by-one updates are not the best - consider batching them:
		updateRecord(record.EmailAddress, ok, status);
		return ok;

	/* MAIN: */
	try {
		var timer = new Timer();
		var recordsProcessed = 0;
		var errors = 0;

		var getter = new DataGetter();

		var data = getter.getData();

		while (!timer.isOverRuntime() && (getter.moreData || data.length > 0)) {
			i += 1;
			if (data.length < 1) {
				data = getter.getData(config);
			var record = data.shift();
			// do something with the record:
			var ok = handleRecord(record);
			if (!ok) { errors++ }

		debug('Records processed: ' + recordsProcessed + '. Invalid emails: ' + errors + '.');
	} catch (err) {

Final thoughts

This simple example shows, how you can keep your script activities within the 30 minutes limit and do as much as possible. The key is to keep track of the progress and of the time - we did that by the DataGetter() utility and the Timer utility. This way, you can run multiple jobs in the same script activity and still be within the limit.

Couple of other takeaways I’ve learned over the years:

If you have read through this article and still have questions, feel free to reach out to me. Also, I’ve left couple of small ideas you can improve this script with. Can you find them?